Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


DIY- Homemade Lotion Bars


Three Simple & Safe Ingredients
Beeswax  - Shea ButterCoconut Oil

Printable Recipe click HERE

Find All Resources for Soap, Salves & Lotion's HERE

Items Needed:

Mold --Amazon
Kitchen Scale --Amazon
Beeswax --Amazon
Shea Butter -- Amazon
Coconut Oil -- Find at Azure Standard or Costco

    1. Measure out equal amounts of the beeswax, shea butter and coconut oil using your Kitchen Scale.

    Laura’s Note:  If you plan on using my recommeded molds to fill up one mold (Creates 8-10 Bars) you will measure out 225 grams of each of the ingredients.

    TIP: If you zero out your kitchen scale then add in your first ingredient, zero it out again, add in second ingredient, zero it out again, and add in your remaining ingredient you would not need to place in separate bowls to measure.

    2. Using a double boiler (if using a regular pan, place on very low heat and heat slowly) Melt completely, turn off heat and at this point you may wish to add in essential oil. Approx 10 drops (I choose not to use)


    3. Pour into molds, the silicone molds work best to be able to pop back out. Let dry and harden 24-28 hours.

    4. Wipe out the pot or pan you were using with paper towel to help clean as the beeswax tends to stick.

    5. Pop out the next day and slice into your desired size.  Think about the size you would typically fit into someone’s hand.

    How to Store: I simply store the extra in a container with a lid to keep dust out. In the bathroom I place in a ceramic cup or plate.

Laura’s Notes:  These really are amazing, they work so well. I even use it to heal boo boo’s!  It is different than using your typical pump style lotion, the bar heats up slightly in your hands and you can rub it where you need it.  I use it year round but boy does it help in the winter with that extra dry skin. Or in the Spring when my hands are not use to being in the soil so much.  
Remember- your skin is your largest organ so please purchase organic when possible.

I use a dedicated pan & spoon for working with Lotion Bars & Herbal Salves since I'm dealing with Beeswax.  




Shea Butter

Soap & Lotion Molds

Printable Recipe HERE

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