Food Prood- The Homesteading & Lifestyle Way

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


June 21st 2023

How a simple table changes everything

My wonderful and very handy husband –Justin- made me this beautiful table. It’s basically an extra-large picnic table that he sanded and we stained with an all-natural stain. (Same one I use for my bee hives!) But its' beautiful and I love it!
He had to strategically bring over the table with the tractor and get it up on our porch, but it worked!  Thank goodness, I don’t always want to eat out in the middle of the yard in the sun.  Just having that table up on the porch has changed everything.  I wasn’t even sitting at the table; I was sitting in a different chair in the morning looking out at the land and just was so thankful and appreciative of the blessings that the Lord has given us. You can SEE beauty, HEAR beauty, SMELL beauty and FEEL beauty all around. It’s really a magnificent place we call home for now.  All that from a table that has transformed our porch, what a beautiful table and what a beautiful husband I have. I’m thankful.

I’ve been updating the website, specifically the Recipe page to include some shortcuts so it’ll be easier to search for a recipe instead of scrolling through all the recipes I’ve been able to get online.  You’ll see sections for Bread, Sourdough, Dinner, Sweets, Breakfast and Side Dishes at the top of each pag .

Soon I’ll also be releasing some new recipes including a Sourdough Cinnamon Raisin Bread that’s amazing!!  Also a Creamy Noodle & Broccoli dish, a gluten free Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe that you’ll never believe it’s GF! 

I’ve been out in the gardens a lot!! Last week I was able to get some videos done as well to show you what I’ve been doing and how it can help you as well in the Garden.



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    How a simple table changes everything

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