Food Prood- The Homesteading & Lifestyle Way

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

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Come discover what a Homesteader's life is like in Northern Michigan.

June 15th 2023

Homesteading aint’ pretty ya’ll


Sorry to burst your bubble, it’s not. It’s messy, (think dirty boots stepping in poo all the time), it’s strenuous and it’s certainly not glamorous. Your usually in your “outside” clothes that are stain covered, not washed and ripped.



What it is- it’s peaceful, it’s fulfilling, and in the end it’s your happy place.  Maybe not happy when it’s rainy and cold out but you put on your fake smile and it becomes real.  Plus the quietness in the rain is quite pleasant.


The animals are not really happy to see you, their happy to see your boots & buckets. Trust me. Boots and Buckets is all they see.  Luckily I see bacon and smoked chicken when I’m trudging through the poo and mud to feed them. (kidding, not kidding).  My husband does the majority of the animal chores (thank goodness!), but there’s definitely times I’m out there as well.

I’ve recently taught a Sourdough  Masterclass that was so much fun! I love the enthusiasm of the attendees and their hunger for learning (and of course the bagels, pizza, and bread we made). It’s exciting and rejuvenating as the teacher to see people go forth and “Just Do It”.  I’m really glad that the Lord has put me in such a place where my extreme (very extreme) passion for Freedom in Food has been able to spill over into others.  I am humbled by the experience every time I teach a class whether it be gardening, cheese making, sourdough, or just a simple garden tour.  I pray I’m making an impact one loaf of bread at a time for people to understand the important of creating your own food. There are health benefits of course but there’s something it does to feed the soul when you make your own food from scratch. Hands down, it’s the bee’s knees!

I remember the people who have helped us along the way by answering our questions or showing us how something was done. It was so helpful beyond measure and those people made a huge impact on our Homesteading Journey. I hope your finding those that help you along in your journey no matter if its’ just one loaf of bread, adding chicken layers for eggs, or plowing an acre of land to plant a garden. It all matters. It just does. It’s what God has intended for us to do – grow in His love and grow on His land.

Go Forth and Grow!! 

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June 15th 2023
Homesteading ain't pretty ya'll

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Is it rain? No, unfortunatley it is not.

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January 21st 2023
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January 18th 2023
Greek Yogurt - Sprouts - Lotion Bars - A Challenge

January 7th 2023
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December 8th 2022
Spaghetti Sauce – Dryer Balls – Apothecary


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