Food Prood- The Homesteading & Lifestyle Way

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

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Come discover what a Homesteader's life is like in Northern Michigan.

January 7th 2023

New Recipes- Semi Famous Pizza Sauce- Healing a Wound

Here we are into the new year by a week- can you believe it? Anyone write the old year on checks or anything? Or am I dating my self if I refer to a checkbook? I have a lot of new things on the blog today- many recipes have been uploaded, including my Semi Famous Pizza Sauce. I say it's "semi" because its' only been tasted by many many friends and family and my pizza is always a hit. Yep, I'm totally bragging. It's that good. Go ahead give it a try! There are several Sourdough Discard recipes as well if you've been following along with my Sourdough Series. Also on there is a great Chicken Pot Pie recipe- it includes mashed potatoes and a creamy sauce. It's really delicious if I do say so myself (and so do my kids, so that's a big bonus there)

Something really cool happened last night- I cut myself. Ok...doesn't sound like a good start does it? Well it happens because I'm always cooking from scratch and stuff always needs to be chopped up. So yeah me + knives, the knife always wins. Got me good, nothing like go get it sutured or anything. However I didn't want to use a typical ointment and a band aid. During the summer months I would grab Yarrow from the herb garden because it's full of great coagulating properties, however the dry stuff I've saved just doesn't cut it. Trust me, I tried previously. And recently I've heard that Cayenne pepper can do the same!! Yes, that super spicy stuff, and gosh guys it REALLY worked! No it did not sting at all. I'll spare you a photo of my finger, but I will share the cayenne pepper I used. I dumped a bit into a bowl mixed it with a splash of water and used the spoon to pour it on my cut. Boom, Stopped & Sealed It Up! How amazing is that? I have grown Cayenne in my gardens before and you bet I'll add a plant or two this year as well just for this purpose. So after the cayenne used it's magic coagulating powers the next day I have been using my Calendula salve I created during the summer to heal it up. Works great! I've been listening to Doc Jones on Youtube learning about this! PS I'm not a dr, just having fun with it.

The Website has been updated to be more mobile friendly- if you experience it not being so nice please email me.


June 21st 2023

How a simple table changes everything

June 15th 2023

Homesteading aint’ pretty ya’ll

June 9th 2023

Is it rain? No, unfortunatley it is not.

June 8th 2023

Tomato Planting & Cheesy Orzo

May 21st 2023

Short & Sweet (Dandelions too)

May 17th 2023

Fries- Nuggets & Beans

May 2nd 2023
(herb garden) - Saying No - Tinctures

April 10th 2023

Starting New

March 21, 2023

Maple Syrup- Rub’s- Taco Seasoning

March 18th 2023

Starting Your Seeds Indoors – Building a Trellis in the Garden – What to do with Lard

March 13th 2023
All About the Chickens

March 4th 2023
Back from Vacation – Cookies – Creamy Pasta

February 24th 2023

Carnita's - Gardening Worksheets -Bagels & More

February 14th 2023

Honey Oat Bread - Pasta Carbonara - Marbling Fats

February 5th 2023
Weather – 15 Minute Dinner – French Toast – My Happy Place

January 30th 2023
Seeds- Kitchen Sink Casserole, say what? - Tostadas

January 21st 2023
Seed Starting - Muffins w Glaze - Cheesy Potatoes

January 18th 2023
Greek Yogurt - Sprouts - Lotion Bars - A Challenge

January 7th 2023
New Recipes- Semi Famous Pizza Sauce- Healing a Wound

December 29th 2022

Launch of my Sourdough Series!

December 16th 2022
Gateway Cheese - Canning Carrots - Preserving Lemons

December 11th 2022
Rice– Artisan Fancy Loaf – Coffee

December 8th 2022
Spaghetti Sauce – Dryer Balls – Apothecary


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