Want to save money? Growing your garlic will do just that! You simply purchase garlic bulbs, plant once, save some bulbs that you will then replant the next year, and keep saving, planting over and over. Each small clove will create a whole bulb of 5-8 cloves.
Buy seed garlic (this is just the larger bulbed garlic which will help create larger bulbs next year and so on)
How to plant:
Choose any location that receive mostly sun
In the month of October till up the dirt and add any fertilizers
Take the garlic and split the bulbs, leaving the paper on
Do not plant cloves from the grocery store. Most are treated for longer shelf life and can contain disease as well.
Place cloves 3 to 6 inches apart and 1.5 inches deep, in their upright position. Root side down, pointed side up.
Rows spaced 5 to 10 inches apart. 2-6 rows in group, then space row groups 18-24 inches so you have room to walk down and weed.
Cover with a few inches of leaves and water down to hold in place. If you have any extra screen or netting place that on top with rocks to hold down the leaves.
Remove netting once snow has melted and you start seeing them pop up.
Watch them grow in the spring! Harvest in July when the leaves start dying back
Dig carefully and leave the dirt on as well as the roots.
Allow to dry in a shaded area with plenty of air flow until the papery outside happens, usually 6 weeks. They like humidity and heat.
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