Food Prood- The Homesteading & Lifestyle Way

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

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December 8th 2022

Spaghetti Sauce – Dryer Balls – Apothecary

It’s December and up in northern Michigan not only are the snowflakes flying, the germs are! So today’s post I’ll discuss about my apothecary and the healing herbs I’ve been using to make great tea’s. Just because I’m under the weather doesn’t mean this ship has to sink, I mean it can’t. The troops still need to be fed, so I’ll dish out my favorite recipe for Spaghetti Sauce. It’s easy and has a secret ingredient.
In other ways to be a “prood” is using clean items in the household as well.  A great one to start is by using Dryer Balls made from 100% American Wool.  They are great at replacing dryer sheets & fabric softener, and I can honestly say that you should stay away from those things to live a cleaner lifestyle. 

My Apothecary
It’s small but mighty – I like going to the corner in my bedroom – not because I’m in trouble, but because it’s the only space I have to put the small shelving system along with my many wonderfully filled glass jars with herbs I have grown right here on the property with organic practices.  It makes me mighty happy to sit there, pick out which herbs are right for the ocassion and sip on the health.

I leave my herbs in whole form until I’m ready to use them. This way it keeps the healing properties more intact.  My favorite herbs to use that are regarded as generally safe are Mint, Calendula, Lavender, Catnip, Basil, Lemon Balm & Echinacea.   I bring a pot of water right before a boil, crush up my herbs, place in the hot water with the lid on and steep for 10 minutes. I then strain and let cool down a bit, at this point you can add honey to the tea if you’d like.  Tip: Leaving the lid on while steeping keeps those healing properties from escaping.   It’s about 3 cups of water to 1 Tbsp herbs (I am not a dr/professional)

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
This is a great, simple and delicious recipe. Give it a try! You can get this done within 15 minutes or let it simmer longer. Which I typically do, because well I am a Food Prood and love the idea of flavors hanging out together.  You can use this sauce over noodles or brown up your favorite meat and toss all in a  pot and serve.  This makes a good size batch, so you can scale it down a bit or freeze the remaining.


Prood Time - Live Cleaner

Dryer Balls
For years I’ve been using dryer balls – my first set I was able to get from someone local which was awesome! But after years they do tend to get smaller and well to be honest my cat’s, those sweet furballs have gotten a hold of some and just tore the heck out of them! So it was time I replaced them. I started looking at big box stores but they are made out of synethetic fibers and since I’m living a clean lifestlye that doesn’t fit. So when looking to purchase try finding 100% American Wool dryer balls. My last set came from Mercola ( and I plan on keepng them away from my cats!
So why use dery balls?  To stay away from fabric softeners & dryer sheets. They contain harmful chemicals that just are not needed.   The dryer balls help with static, and also on the energy bill because they help the clothes dry more efficiently.  If you want  to give your laundry a scent, after your laundry is completely dry. Take out 1 to 2 of the dryer balls and apply your desired amount of pure essential oils to each ball. Simply toss them back in the dryer on a NO heat setting for 10 minutes. 


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December 8th 2022
Spaghetti Sauce – Dryer Balls – Apothecary


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