Food Prood- The Homesteading & Lifestyle Way

Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader

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Come discover what a Homesteader's life is like in Northern Michigan.

December 16th 2022

Gateway Cheese - Canning Carrots - Preserving Lemons

I’m really excited to finally get a video done about what I like to call the “Gateway Cheese”.  Seriously, once you realize how easy making your own cheese is you’ll be hooked. The first one to start out with is making Ricotta Cheese.  You do not need any special rennet or cultures to get started.  Just milk & Lemon Juice.  Head over to YouTube and like/subscribe/comment to let me know you’ve watched it.  This past week I canned up some beautiful orance carrots, my favorite type is “Nantes” carrots. They have grown so well for me year after year.  I still have plenty of potatoes to do, but hoping they will keep for another two months before I have to can the remaining. I like to store the potatoes in a cold storage in about 42 degrees in breathable bags. For storing the carrots see how I do it HERE.

Ricotta Cheese- What I like to call the “Gateway Cheese” because it’s simple and you’ll be amazed that you to can make cheese!  This is the perfect cheese to get started with. It’s a great way to control what’s in your food.  If your able to join a milk share or purchase Raw Organic Milk- this is your absolute best bet for health.  I use lemon juice (organic from costco) you could also use a vinegar or citric acid.  I just use lemon juice from the bottle, you could also use fresh to.   I use this Ricotta Cheese in my lasagna using my homemade spaghetti sauce. Delicious!



Canning Carrots- Here on the homestead in December I’m still canning and preserving root vegetables.  This past week  I used my All American Canner that holds 14 quarts at a time to preserve more Carrots.  They are fairly easy as I use the “raw pack” methold.  Having these orange beauties canned makes adding a veggie at dinner super simple.  Add these as the side when making Lasanga with the above Ricotta Cheese recipe and homemade spaghetti sauce. You’ll be well on your way to be a Food Prood!

Prood Time – Preserving Organic Lemons
Did you know you can easily save lemons?  It’s a great way to preserve lemons if your able to get them on sale and get them in the freezer before they go bad. Plus what I’ve noticed is they seem to be juicier after I thaw them out. So win win!  All you have to do is wash the lemons , dry them thouroughly and place them in a freezer bag in the freezer! Voila, you have preserved your lemons for a later use.


June 21st 2023

How a simple table changes everything

June 15th 2023

Homesteading aint’ pretty ya’ll

June 9th 2023

Is it rain? No, unfortunatley it is not.

June 8th 2023

Tomato Planting & Cheesy Orzo

May 21st 2023

Short & Sweet (Dandelions too)

May 17th 2023

Fries- Nuggets & Beans

May 2nd 2023
(herb garden) - Saying No - Tinctures

April 10th 2023

Starting New

March 21, 2023

Maple Syrup- Rub’s- Taco Seasoning

March 18th 2023

Starting Your Seeds Indoors – Building a Trellis in the Garden – What to do with Lard

March 13th 2023
All About the Chickens

March 4th 2023
Back from Vacation – Cookies – Creamy Pasta

February 24th 2023

Carnita's - Gardening Worksheets -Bagels & More

February 14th 2023

Honey Oat Bread - Pasta Carbonara - Marbling Fats

February 5th 2023
Weather – 15 Minute Dinner – French Toast – My Happy Place

January 30th 2023
Seeds- Kitchen Sink Casserole, say what? - Tostadas

January 21st 2023
Seed Starting - Muffins w Glaze - Cheesy Potatoes

January 18th 2023
Greek Yogurt - Sprouts - Lotion Bars - A Challenge

January 7th 2023
New Recipes- Semi Famous Pizza Sauce- Healing a Wound

December 29th 2022

Launch of my Sourdough Series!

December 16th 2022
Gateway Cheese - Canning Carrots - Preserving Lemons

December 11th 2022
Rice– Artisan Fancy Loaf – Coffee

December 8th 2022
Spaghetti Sauce – Dryer Balls – Apothecary


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