Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Creamy Chicken & Pasta


Dinner done in 15 minutes!!

This is a super easy and delicious pasta meal that turns into a complete meal with chicken and veggies. It takes 15 minutes and you’ve got yourself dinner.  One of my favorite things is to have delicious, wholesome, good food but have it ready quick. Especially those nights I’d rather be outside!

 My favorite noodles to use are organic millet & brown rice Ramen noodles – I either get from Costco or

Printable Recipe HERE


8 Sections Ramen noodles (or any favorite noodles)
3 Garlic Cloves *
¼ Cup Onions *
Lard * (or butter)
Salt & Pepper
1 Cup Cooked and Diced Chicken *
¼ to ½ Cup Cooked and Diced Bacon *
2 Cups Ricotta (or cream cheese) *
½ Cup Peas *
½ Cup Corn *
½ Cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (or parmesan shredded) *

Cast Iron (I love the Lodge brand, my fav size is 12")


*denotes a Homesteading Item


    1. Cook the pasta according to the package instructions and drain.
    2. Add the lard (or oil) to a large skillet, once melted add the onions & garlic until softened.
    3. Add in the cheese and allow to melt, you may need to add in milk to make it not so thicken. Alternatively you could use any leftover pasta water. 
    4. Add in the chicken, bacon, peas and corn and stir. Add S&P to taste. Top with shredded cheese and serve!


    Notes: You may need more or less butter, add more if you need it. You could also add parmesan or cheddar cheese.


    Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

Printable Recipe HERE

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