Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Corn Tostadas


These delicious Corn Tostadas are simple to make and can be topped with just about anything! My favorite is Pork Carnita's! Other great options are shredded chicken, steak, ground beef- just about anything mixed with delicious taco seasoning. Another option is Refried Beans- a great way to save on the budget by adding a layer of beans and then adding meat (or just use the beans!) You can press these out with a Tortilla Press or just simply roll out into a circle with a rolling pin. A great way to use up those Homesteading Items.

Bonus: This recipe is easily doubled or tripled!

Printable Recipe HERE


130 grams corn masa (approx. 1 cup)
1/3 cup water
Pinch of salt



    1. Combine the masa & salt and slowly drizzle in the water mixing as you go. Preferably with your hands Make sure to go add the water slowly. Continue to mix until it feels like Play-Doh.  If to wet add a smidgemore masa, to dry, add a smidge more water until you get the right consistency.

    2.  Let sit for 15 minutes for the water to be fully incorporated into the masa, cover the dough to keep from drying out.

    3. Using a pan (preferably cast iron) and set on medium high. 

    4. Press and roll out as thin as you can either by hand or using your tortilla press.  My size is about 4 inches diameter. 

    5. Place on the hot pan for 2-4 minutes until you see a slight charring, flip over and do the same on the other side. Place the cooked tostadas on a sheet.

    6. Once all the masa is done,  you may top with any meat of choice. My favorite is Pork Carnitas. You can use steak, chicken, pork, ground or shredded (cooked), refried beans.  Cover with cheese and any other toppings. Place in the oven on Broil for 5-10 minutes until hot and bubbly.  Enjoy!

Options: You can use Greek Yogurt for your sour cream. Any cheese will do here, I tend to use Cheddar for everything. 



Printable Recipe HERE

Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

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