Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies


Delicious Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies!!

Have coconut flour on hand? These are really good GF option for a sweet treat!  They are very easy and make a small batch. Feel free to double this recipe. Use one bowl and get a mixin and enjoy!

Printable Recipe HERE


½ Cup Peanut Butter
2 Tablespoons Coconut Oil
½ Cup Coconut sugar (or brown sugar)
2 Large Eggs *
1 ½ Teaspoons vanilla
½ Teaspoon baking soda
¼ Teaspoon cinnamon
¼ Teaspoon salt
½ cup coconut flour
½ cup chocolate chips


*denotes a Homesteading Item


    1. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees F and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
    2. Place the peanut butter and coconut oil into a bowl and hand stir, add the eggs and stir until combined
    3. Sprinkle the baking soda, cinnamon, and salt over the top and stir in. Next up add the coconut flour and stir until completely combined. Gently fold in the chocolate chips.
    4. With an ice cream scooper drop by heaping tablespoons onto the cookie sheet. Wet your fingers and lightly flatten the dough as it will not spread during baking.
    5. Bake for 7 minutes or until cookies turn barely golden. They will be very soft, allow to cool for a few minutes on the baking sheet before transferring to a cookie wire rack.


Printable Recipe HERE

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