Laura Lawrence- Northern Michigan Homesteader


From Scratch Cheesy Potatoes


Why buy a bag of those diced potatoes that certainly are not fresh and guess what it has added ingredients that are not neccesary. Plus this recipe does not use a "cream of" soup! A great way to use up those Homesteading Items.


5-8 Large Potatoes
1 Onion Diced
1 Cup Green/Red Peppers Diced
2 Garlic Cloves Chopped
3 Tbsp Lard (butter/oil)
2 Tsps Salt
1 Tsp Pepper
4 Tablespoons Butter
1 Cup Milk
½ Cup Greek Yogurt
2 Cups Cheddar Cheese (divided by half)


  1. Dice up potatoes and boil in water until just becoming fork tender (and drain)
  2. In the meantime make the sauce- saute onions, garlic, and peppers in Lard
  3. Sprinkle in spices
  4. Next add butter, milk, and yogurt.  Next add in the cheese until melted
  5. Add in the cooked potatoes and mix
  6. Cover with cheese and place in a preheated  oven at 350 degress F and bake for approx. 30minutes.
  7. Optional: Broil for 5 minutes to get the cheese on top to turn brown and crispy!

Options: You can use Greek Yogurt or sour cream. Any cheese will do here, I tend to use Cheddar for everything.  You can also broil for 5 minutes after the initial bake time to crisp up the cheese that’s on top.  My favorite way is to make the sauce in a cast iron pan, then put the potatoes in there and bake directly in there. Less pans and mess. Plus cast iron is just the way to go!



Printable Recipe HERE

Learn How to Make Cheese Here!

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